Devoted to the warm sound of analog recording since 1972

Category: Past Recording Projects

The Barn Raising Party session pictures

The first session back in April with Carl Alan Gardner, Buddy Lewis and Steve Samano. Carl and Buddy in this picture.

And Buddy in this pic tracking a guitar solo.

Here’s 3/5 of the Danny Millsap Band from another session in April – Danny Millsap, Scott Richards and Mike Gentry.

And the Millsap Band with Stan Anderson and myself (Dan Greer) …

Marty Nemanick with Stan and myself at a session after tracking pedal steel for the Danny Millsap Band and a few others.

Brian Smart with Stan and the players from his session in April … Dan Greer, Brian Smart, Stan Anderson, Randy Drew & Scotty Richardson.

Stan Anderson, myself and Rick Norris after one of Ricks sessions in May

John Clarke tracking pedal steel for Rick Norris July 1st ….
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Rick Santos tracking fiddle for Rick Norris July 1st
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Marty Nemanick stopping in to say hey with John Clarke
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